Friday 15 June 2012

What A Week!

What a week we have had in P2 this week!  We've had a visitor in to our class everyday!  We're still talking about our visit from Inga on Monday with her Olympic Torch!  However, we had another very special visitor on Tuesday!  Ruben took in his new puppy, Monty, for Show and Tell.  He was very, very cute!  He had fun sniffing us all!

Ruben told us lots about Monty and what you have to do to take care of a puppy.  We loved seeing such a cute peedie puppy and having a cuddle! We want to say a big thanks to Ruben's Mum for taking Monty in for a visit.

We also took part in a Glow Meet this week with the author Oliver Jeffers.  He told us lots about the books that he has written and showed us how to draw the pictures in his book.  He was really funny and we loved hearing him tell the stories.  Here we are drawing our Hueys which was part of the interactive drawing activity and they said that there were about 20,000 children watching across Scotland!

We've read some Oliver Jeffers books this week and Miss Begley took in a special little film about one of his books which we watched and really enjoyed.  If anyone has any Oliver Jeffers books at home feel free to bring them in for us to read! 

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