Friday 22 June 2012

Sports Day

Once again a busy week for P2!  Sports Day on Tuesday was good fun - we all really enjoyed it and we all had our running shoes on!  Miss Shearer was busy making sure the classes were ready for the races but she did manage to get a few photos of us in action!

 The P2 girls in the sack race.

 The P2 boys heading for the finishing line in the sack race.

 Ruben and Aiden sprinting through the hoops for the obstacle race.


The P2 girls balancing their bats and beanbags.

This week we also recorded our Road Safety video!  We practiced lots and made all our props and then recorded in on Wednesday - Caity directed it for us! Miss Shearer is busy editing it all together to make it into one long video and hopefully we will be able to put it on the Blog at the start of the week!  We're really looking forward to seeing the finished video.  Until then here is a photo of us once we were all finished recording!

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