Monday 11 June 2012

Inga's Olympic Torch!

We had a very exciting day today in Primary 2!  Inga Kemp who was one of the torchbearers in yesterdays Torch Relay came into class today to show us her Olympic Torch!  She told us all about why she was picked to do it and what she had to do on Sunday.  It was very interesting and we listened really well and asked her some great questions.  Here is Inga telling us all about the torch. 

She had her Olympic tracksuit on and told us all about how they lit the torch by putting a key in it first to open the gas can inside the torch and then they lit it from the 'Mother Flame' which is kept in a special chamber and has travelled all the way from Greece!  We also found out that there was only enough gas in the torch to burn for 12 minutes!  And they have taken the gas can out of the torch so that it can never be lit again.  Best of all was that Inga let us all hold the torch!

It was brilliant to be able to hold a real Olympic torch and hear all about what happened on the day.  Lots of us had been to see the Torch Relay in Kirkwall on Sunday so it made it even more exciting. 

Inga then went round all the classes in the school to let them see her torch and everyone was really impressed with it!

We are so pleased that Inga could come and visit us as we're all really excited about our topic the Olympics and it was great to have such a big part of the cermony in our classroom.  We would like to say a big Thank You to Inga and her mum Iris for coming to visit us and we all agreed that she was a very worthy person to carry the torch!

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