Friday 8 June 2012

Olympic Excitement!

Even though it's been a shorter week at school we've been just as busy!  We've been learning about all the different countries who take part in the Olympics - there are 203 of them this year!  We've started making flags and marking the countries on our class map and Miss Shearer says she will take a picture of it once we've made some more flags.  Miss Shearer also has a special Team GB scarf which has loads of pictures on it to represent the team and the people of Great Britain.  Here we are trying to find all the different pictures - it was a bit like I-Spy or Where's Wally!

We had a great time at Tag Rugby again this week and we think Liam is really impressed with our running skills (we didn't tell him we've been practising them with Miss Shearer!).  We played a new game called Animal Walks where we had to move like different animals and get to the ball first.  Sometimes we had to go on our tummies and sometimes we had to jump to get the ball!  Here are a few pictures our Tag Rugby photographer, Caity, took!

We are really excited as Miss Shearer's friend is going to be taking part in the Olympic Torch relay on Sunday in Kirkwall and then on Monday she will be taking her torch in to school for us to see!  We are really looking forward to her visit and have thought of some really good questions to ask her so we will put up lots of photos on Monday!

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