Tuesday 24 July 2012

Olympic Countdown

It's not long now until the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics!  I'm sure Wenlock and Mandeville are getting ready!

Here is a coundown clock just so you all know exactly when it starts! 

Saturday 30 June 2012

A message from Miss Shearer

I would just like to say a big thank you to the P2's for being such fantastic pupils this term!  I hope you've had lots of fun - I know that I have!

I hope you all have a brilliant summer and enjoy yourselves if you're going away on holiday or if you're staying here to enjoy the Orkney Summer!

Good luck in P3 - I'm sure you will have a great time.

Miss Shearer :) 

Last Week of Term!

We have been very excited this week as it's the last week of term and we've been doing lots of exciting things and finishing up for the summer.  We really enjoyed looking at all our work we have done over the last year and taking it all home.  We have also enjoyed our Olympics Project and will be excited to watch it when it starts in the summer. Here is a picture of our flag wall - we made all the flags and found out where the country is on the map - we didn't manage to make all 203 flags of the competing countries but we had a good try! 

We have worked really hard this term but have had lots of fun at the same time!  We're looking forward to our summer holidays and then coming back in August and being P3's! Here we are getting into holiday mode!

Monday 25 June 2012

Primary Two Presents...

Our Road Safety Video!!!

At last here is our video which we wrote and produced all by ourselves.  All Miss Shearer did was help Caity to film it!

We're delighted with it and hope you enjoy it too!  Feel free to leave any comments about it!

Primary 2 Road Safety Video from SPS on Vimeo.

Friday 22 June 2012

Sports Day

Once again a busy week for P2!  Sports Day on Tuesday was good fun - we all really enjoyed it and we all had our running shoes on!  Miss Shearer was busy making sure the classes were ready for the races but she did manage to get a few photos of us in action!

 The P2 girls in the sack race.

 The P2 boys heading for the finishing line in the sack race.

 Ruben and Aiden sprinting through the hoops for the obstacle race.


The P2 girls balancing their bats and beanbags.

This week we also recorded our Road Safety video!  We practiced lots and made all our props and then recorded in on Wednesday - Caity directed it for us! Miss Shearer is busy editing it all together to make it into one long video and hopefully we will be able to put it on the Blog at the start of the week!  We're really looking forward to seeing the finished video.  Until then here is a photo of us once we were all finished recording!

Friday 15 June 2012

What A Week!

What a week we have had in P2 this week!  We've had a visitor in to our class everyday!  We're still talking about our visit from Inga on Monday with her Olympic Torch!  However, we had another very special visitor on Tuesday!  Ruben took in his new puppy, Monty, for Show and Tell.  He was very, very cute!  He had fun sniffing us all!

Ruben told us lots about Monty and what you have to do to take care of a puppy.  We loved seeing such a cute peedie puppy and having a cuddle! We want to say a big thanks to Ruben's Mum for taking Monty in for a visit.

We also took part in a Glow Meet this week with the author Oliver Jeffers.  He told us lots about the books that he has written and showed us how to draw the pictures in his book.  He was really funny and we loved hearing him tell the stories.  Here we are drawing our Hueys which was part of the interactive drawing activity and they said that there were about 20,000 children watching across Scotland!

We've read some Oliver Jeffers books this week and Miss Begley took in a special little film about one of his books which we watched and really enjoyed.  If anyone has any Oliver Jeffers books at home feel free to bring them in for us to read! 

Monday 11 June 2012

Inga's Olympic Torch!

We had a very exciting day today in Primary 2!  Inga Kemp who was one of the torchbearers in yesterdays Torch Relay came into class today to show us her Olympic Torch!  She told us all about why she was picked to do it and what she had to do on Sunday.  It was very interesting and we listened really well and asked her some great questions.  Here is Inga telling us all about the torch. 

She had her Olympic tracksuit on and told us all about how they lit the torch by putting a key in it first to open the gas can inside the torch and then they lit it from the 'Mother Flame' which is kept in a special chamber and has travelled all the way from Greece!  We also found out that there was only enough gas in the torch to burn for 12 minutes!  And they have taken the gas can out of the torch so that it can never be lit again.  Best of all was that Inga let us all hold the torch!

It was brilliant to be able to hold a real Olympic torch and hear all about what happened on the day.  Lots of us had been to see the Torch Relay in Kirkwall on Sunday so it made it even more exciting. 

Inga then went round all the classes in the school to let them see her torch and everyone was really impressed with it!

We are so pleased that Inga could come and visit us as we're all really excited about our topic the Olympics and it was great to have such a big part of the cermony in our classroom.  We would like to say a big Thank You to Inga and her mum Iris for coming to visit us and we all agreed that she was a very worthy person to carry the torch!