Thursday 17 May 2012


This week in Primary 2 we've had lots of visitors to our class!  On Tuesday Primary 6 came and gave us a presentation about the Ancient Greeks and how they started the Olympics.  They were learning about it last term and thought it would be good to tell us all about it.  They made posters and even did some little plays about the Olypmics.  They were very good and we learned a lot about the first Olypmic games - they didn't give out medals and married women weren't even allowed to watch the games!

Then on Wednesday Aiden's big sister Denise took in her baby rabbits for us to see!  They were only 3 weeks old and very cute!  We all got to hold one and we were really quiet so that the rabbits didn't get scared.  Some even fell asleep they were so relaxed!

We also had a special assembly about Christian Aid Week on Tuesday so it has been a busy week!  Next week we will be learning more about the Olypmics and also starting to think about making our own Road Safety video! 

1 comment:

  1. What a busy week you have had in Primary 2! (Mrs Whitford)
