Friday 25 May 2012

Stained Glass and Tag Rugby!

We have had another busy week of visitors in Primary 2! This week everyone in the school started to make the stained glass artwork for the new school. Liz, who is a stained glass artist has been at school all week and has been asking for our help to make it. We have to draw our design on glass then Liz cuts it with a special tool and then we tap the glass from underneath and just like magic the piece comes away from the glass! We had to wear special goggles to make sure we didn't get any peedie bits of glass in our eyes. Here is one group having a go!

We think it's going to look great when it's finished and will be nice to have in the new school.  Here is a photo of it all being layered together with some of our peices.

We also had our first Tag Rugby training of the term this week.  It was great fun!  We learned some of the rules of rugby, the 3 important ways of moving in rugby and got to play some fun games!  We are really looking forward to our training next week!

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