Thursday 31 May 2012

Olympic Origami!

Phew!  We've had another busy week in Primary 2!  This week we've been learning all about the Olypmic Rings and why they are important to the Olypmics.  We found out that they were designed by a man called Baron Pierre de Coubertin who wanted all the countries who take part in the Olympics to feel welcome and that they could all compete.  We made our own origami Olympic rings!  They were quite tricky to make and we had to concentrate really hard to make all the right folds in the paper but now that we are done they look brilliant and are up on the wall! Here are a few photos of us working on them.

We had our next Tag Rugby session this week too and we got to join in with P3 which was good fun!   We practiced what we had learned last week and then we got to have a got at scoring a try and at passing to each other!  It was great fun! Here's a few photos!

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